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Established in 2002,R&a民湖mp;D Center deeply ro會知ots in the rich academic atmosphere 放訊and solid industrial foundation又白 of China Iron & Steel Research 玩靜Institute Group (CISRI) an行鐘d Advanced Technology妹畫 & Materials Co., Ltd.(AT&很公;M). The center is dir樹見ected by Committee of Technol民刀ogical Innovation and led by小場 outstanding experts要看 in the domains. It staffs with 件市highly talented professionals and 綠紅is categorized into different in草視stitutes as basic components an關電d now has grown into the fron到熱tier and platform of t師人echnological innovat你個ion of AT&M.

Orientation: Aimed at the vital demands時身 of national and industrial他為 development, the promo但鐘tion of present industrial basis and銀子 future development, to launch go民間al-oriented research on no白白vel materials, cuttin關請g-edge exploration and foreseei麗風ng investigation, to科南 launch research on core t多媽echnologies and syst技對emic integration, to launch resea畫暗rch on development of engin行熱eering technologies and ach哥朋ievement migration and transfo不喝rmation and technical servic線但es, and to cultivate and con制錢vey intellectuals to上子 the society. 

“3-creat”principles” Create高裡 innovation, create reputat火購ion and create profit.

“3-and”pattern: openn男服ess and cooperation, flowabi些暗lity and competition, freedom and o家北rder. 

“3-transformation”principles of湖報 R & D project management: the proj志來ects should be market離如ized, the goal should be intern低哥ationalized and the ac廠體hievement should be commercialized.

Vision: To grow into sp水校ecific comprehensive research insti分紅tute in novel materials field, 城什integrated with tech訊他nological innovation, ac下有hievement transformation, technolog長看ical services and intellectua見制l cultivation, to establish fi書笑rst-class in China and worldwi歌跳de famous technological報通 innovation facilities and 都也build stronger innovative c放內apability and outstanding ach笑愛ievements, to become a demonstrative醫制 national enterprise technology 做票center.