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Established in 2002,R&D Cente章家r deeply roots in the rich acade少時mic atmosphere and solid 理一industrial foundatio門北n of China Iron & Steel R你音esearch Institute Group (CISR黃科I) and Advanced Technology 明著& Materials Co., Ltd.(AT&M科劇). The center is directe一現d by Committee of Technological Innov間木ation and led by outsta術朋nding experts in the domains. It staffs章房 with highly talented profession麗紅als and is categorized近身 into different institutes as ba地理sic components and now has grown 亮要into the frontier and platform of湖遠 technological innovati遠靜on of AT&M.

Orientation: Aimed at the vital demand拍知s of national and industrial我要 development, the promotion 到舊of present industrial basis and futur謝妹e development, to launch goal-森討oriented research on novel materials,醫到 cutting-edge exploration東間 and foreseeing invest河照igation, to launch research on 裡章core technologies and s廠人ystemic integration, to launch research我分 on development of engin厭生eering technologies and achieve要呢ment migration and transformation and t務腦echnical services, and to cultivate and愛少 convey intellectuals 子好to the society. 

“3-creat”principles” Create innovatio草玩n, create reputation and create prof工中it.

“3-and”pattern: openness and coope吧東ration, flowability and competiti在物on, freedom and order. 

“3-transformation”princi到吃ples of R & D project manageme討我nt: the projects should be marketized,討吧 the goal should be internat通看ionalized and the achie信河vement should be commercialized.

Vision: To grow into specifi輛說c comprehensive research institute 遠女in novel materials field, integrat區資ed with technological in少姐novation, achievement transform鐵分ation, technological services and inte坐媽llectual cultivation, to establish又朋 first-class in China and wo湖木rldwide famous technological 麗筆innovation facilities and build stron綠煙ger innovative capability and outsta老報nding achievements, to bec票用ome a demonstrative national enterp女動rise technology center.