Common Inspection

Analysis and test cente廠光r passed the certificati湖件on of China National A就姐ccreditation Service for章草 Conformity Assessment (CNAS). Aimin又身g to establish first class testing 懂區laboratory in China, the center s錯劇peculates its running in acco著的rdance with requirements of Accre跳冷ditation Criteria for testing and cali長見bration laboratories 秒秒(ISO-IEC17025). After the we學章bsite of testing standards database從是 was launched, technological resources呢但 of analysis and test were shared inter我問nally. The testing instruments are c有他ategorized into seven fam爸村ilies, including ingredient analys綠他is, structural analysis, ph間但ysical property analysis, thermal pro媽請perty analysis, magne行麗tic property analysis, electrochemical 音輛and plating analysis, specif少船ic surface and particle pr愛吃operty analysis. 個器;