AT&M attaches high pr光裡iority upon IPR protection and R&a我些mp;D center was awar懂是ded as “Beijing patent advanced exp和近erimental institution ”and “Beij山音ing patent illustration 匠吧institution”, and also elected the pr章綠acticing base for the examiners of St朋筆ate Intellectual Prope裡工rty Office (SIPO). After t章議he establishment, the work regarding 爸筆IPR has been steadily impro如志ved and the mind of protecting嗎樂 intellectual fruits h我黃as been remarkably s舞錢trengthened. In relevant ten 也匠fields, AT&M has applied m街門ore than 300 patents totally and to da暗裡te more than 200 have been authorized a如說nd more than 80 percent are pate空間nts for invention. As major 和個R&D institution of A得海T&M, in 2015, the yields of p務暗atents grew steadily.計音 R&D center schemed and關房 applied patents in fields of green 店鄉energy, advanced materials and科錢 powder metallurgy and還熱 applied 22 patents and 7 of the車愛m have been authorized. In 山愛order to avoid the industrial risk吃窗, the Powder Metallurgy Technology Ins會明titution of R&D center cooperated 服事with patent service agent to impl房答ement the patent early-warning on年筆 “spray forming technology/嗎習high speed steel and tool and moul也媽d steels prepared by p長爸owder metallurgy”.