功率變壓器(qì) Power Transformer

高飽和磁感應強度—有效縮小變壓器(qì)體(tǐ)積 High sa刀兵turation magnetic induction關車 intensity—Reduce the size of the t但弟ransformer effectively

Contact Person:孫經理(lǐ)Origin:北京市(shì)海澱區



With the development of high freq拍水uency and miniaturization o兒亮f power supplies, design requirement一跳s are higher for the power看技 transformer, the co年長re component of electromagnetic c錯做onversion of high fr明讀equency power supplies. High-freq去通uency transformers must meet the照家 requirements of high fre姐訊quency, low loss, small volum雪很e, high energy efficiency conversio土林n efficiency and size customization.可樹

At present, a large numb男美er of ferrite core transfor些森mers are used in the high話山-frequency power supply ma人裡rket, but their major prob錢離lems are large volume, high temperature筆中 rise, low temperatu很關re conversion efficiency, poor resist理南ance to unbalanced cur兒女rent characteristics, high temperature 我些input impedance characteristic動討s fluctuations and high temperatu關子re leakage inductance, whi體西ch affect the electromagnetic compati生事bility of the circuit and車我 the normal resonant working st些河ate.

In recent years, nanocrystalline ha她門ve been updated iteratively. And ul得麗tra-thin ribbon has been de村志veloped vigorously to mee市車t the development trend of女鄉 high frequency which can basically 輛外meet the design requirements of 匠輛high frequency transformers withi家風n 100 kHz. Nanocrystall市人ine soft magnetic alloy material劇我s have the advantages of high 靜湖saturation magnetic induction, low 呢地loss, high power size customization des遠熱ign and high temperatu日雨re operation reliability.制電 It has been favored and praised by de知但sign engineers in the用計 field of high-frequency p林站ower at home and abroad.



High saturation magnetic induc厭國tion intensity—Reduce the高化 size of the transformer effective下們ly


Low coercivity—To improve the 問農efficiency and reduce the t舊吃ransformer exciting powe他民r and copper loss


Permeability- customized design西遠 according to your needs


Low loss- Reduce transfor男道mer temperature rise


Higher Curie temperature - excellent呢睡 temperature stability湖慢


High-power design - to meet the nee通現ds of large-size iron core cu子放stomization



廣泛地應用在各領域的開關(guān)電源上(shàng現靜)Widely used in switchin公務g power supplies in various f就裡ields:

·鐵路(lù)運輸中的開關(guān)電源(Switching 長亮power supply in railway transportation)筆冷

·電動交通工具、電車充電器(qì)(Electric vehic姐錯le, EV charger)

·輪船上(shàng)用的開關(guān)電源(Switching p明公ower supply for ships) 

·400HZ飛機電源(400HZ aircraft power sup務術ply) 

·通信電源(Communication P兒章ower Supply)

·焊接、電鍍用電源(Welding electro那銀plating power supply) 

·無線電及TV的發射器(qì)電源(Radio an熱鐘d TV transmitter power)

·風(fēng)力設備電源(Wind power supply)

·核磁共振層析X射線攝影機開關(guān)電源(Switch要現ing power supply for nucle計花ar magnetic resonance to男頻mography (NMR) X-ray cam腦服eras)

·粒子(zǐ)加速器(qì)輕量級開關(guān)電源(Particle ac店頻celerator lightweight農媽 switching power supply)

 四、技術參數(Technical specifications好我): 


産品選型表(Product selecti懂體on table):

1.逆變焊機變壓器(qì)鐵芯選型表(Sele看家ction table of transformer co通市re for inverter welder)


2.變壓器(qì)選型表(Transformer 遠們selection table)
