
安泰科技 非晶金(jīn)屬事(shì)業部.jpg





Affiliated with Advanced Technology 關哥& Materials Co.,Ltd., Amorphous Pr美請oducts Branch is specialize服妹d in the industrialization and R&話影amp;D of amorphous & nanocrysta和個lline materials and prod關暗ucts. Backed up by Nation錯為al Amorphous & Nanocrystalline Al鐵商loy Engineering Research C線也entre (Hereinafter referred to as NAC)聽是 which was approved by Stat靜說e Science and Technolo通習gy Commission in 1995, Amorphous Produ間報cts Branch is the R&D pioneer of a長匠morphous & nanocrystalline soft 好裡magnetic materials. Wi放購th a professional and well議場-organized team, NAC has ac術站quired the core technology車腦 for the production of nanoc空說rystalline and amorphous 農秒ribbon and obtained mor體照e than 50 scientific and technologic看年al achievements, 2 second prize玩雨 on national science書都 and technology progress and 43 紙媽authorized patents.

Amorphous Products Bran商生ch employs more than 300 people,煙山 made up of two plants: nanocrystalline討我 ribbon plant and magnetic component樹喝s plant and six departments: a照街dministration department, account空也ing and controlling department, p女民roduct development departm小他ent, quality management department 店懂and manufacturing departmen愛西t. 

The major products of AT&M Amorph城了ous Products Branch are窗答 amorphous & nanocrystalline mat市個erials, cores and magnetic光輛 components which are widely applie音放d in power distribution, electric 中事and electricity, industrial power務女 supply, renewable energy, 月她consumer electronics, aerospace, tra笑長nsportation etc. We are committed to 體媽offering advanced energy-saving 她自materials and solution器風s for our customers.