功率變壓器(qì) Power Transfo自就rmer

高飽和磁感應強度—有效縮小變壓器(qì)體(tǐ)積 High satura照東tion magnetic induction 文通intensity—Reduce the size of the爸師 transformer effectively

Contact Person:孫經理(lǐ)Origin:北京市(shì)海澱區



With the development of h錢工igh frequency and miniaturization of p友嗎ower supplies, design海遠 requirements are higher for 作微the power transformer弟場, the core component of electro開錯magnetic conversion of high frequency個這 power supplies. High-frequency tran外學sformers must meet the requi章我rements of high frequency, low 你去loss, small volume, high ene雨東rgy efficiency conversion efficie通刀ncy and size customization.

At present, a large number of fe務長rrite core transformers are used in遠問 the high-frequency power supply mar為作ket, but their major problems are la謝在rge volume, high temperature rise, l木視ow temperature conversion ef有報ficiency, poor resistance to 訊空unbalanced current characteris制跳tics, high temperature input i鐵見mpedance characterist答日ics fluctuations and high te老著mperature leakage induc作技tance, which affect the electromagne做兵tic compatibility of the circui器答t and the normal resonant wo物照rking state.

In recent years, nanocrystalline 村站have been updated iteratively. An海機d ultra-thin ribbon has been develop河服ed vigorously to meet 校公the development trend of 服了high frequency which can basically 是快meet the design requirements老子 of high frequency transformers 男間within 100 kHz. Nanocrystalline 有作soft magnetic alloy materials have th紅黃e advantages of high 風西saturation magnetic 就海induction, low loss, high power size cu文姐stomization design and high temper公司ature operation reliability到腦. It has been favored紅學 and praised by design engineers in the間亮 field of high-frequency power at ho服能me and abroad.

 、産品特點(Characteristic): 制金


High saturation magnetic induction int自又ensity—Reduce the siz商綠e of the transformer effe雪對ctively


Low coercivity—To improve the effi我老ciency and reduce the t麗少ransformer exciting power and copper錯知 loss


Permeability- custom國妹ized design according to your ne說藍eds


Low loss- Reduce transfor讀遠mer temperature rise


Higher Curie tempera也答ture - excellent temperature 低在stability


High-power design - to meet the nee對鄉ds of large-size iron core cu微對stomization



廣泛地應用在各領域的開關(guān)電源上(shàng歌好)Widely used in switching power秒雪 supplies in various fields:

·鐵路(lù)運輸中的開關(guān)電源(Switching power 機兵supply in railway transporta不好tion)

·電動交通工具、電車充電器(qì)(Ele船短ctric vehicle, EV charger)

·輪船上(shàng)用的開關(guān)電件市源(Switching power supply for ships) 

·400HZ飛機電源(400HZ aircr海多aft power supply) 

·通信電源(Communication Power S喝和upply)

·焊接、電鍍用電源(Welding electroplating pow書司er supply) 

·無線電及TV的發射器(qì)電源(Radio and TV tra花話nsmitter power)

·風(fēng)力設備電源(Wind power supply)喝藍

·核磁共振層析X射線攝影機開關(guān)電源(Switching powe上計r supply for nuclear magnet飛月ic resonance tomograph人數y (NMR) X-ray cameras)

·粒子(zǐ)加速器(qì)輕量級開關(guān放討)電源(Particle accelerator ligh女技tweight switching power supply)

 四、技術參數(Technical spe公醫cifications): 


産品選型表(Product selectio這金n table):

1.逆變焊機變壓器(qì)鐵芯選型表(Selectio書西n table of transformer core一森 for inverter welder)錢媽


2.變壓器(qì)選型表(Transformer sel少自ection table)
