電流互感器(qì)鐵芯 Current Transfo雜花rmer Cores

高磁導率、低(dī)矯頑力 High permea站黑bility, low coercivity, 寬的電流測量範圍土拿 Wide measurement current range

Contact Person:孫經理(lǐ)Origin:北京市(shì)海澱區


電流互感器(qì)是可分(fēn)為(wèi)測生近量用和保護用電流互感器(qì)。測量用電流互感器(qì)主內白要與測量儀表配合,在線路(lù)正常工作(zuò)狀态下(xià),制草用來(lái)測量線路(lù)上(shà件坐ng)的電流、功率和電能(néng)等;保護用電流互感器(qì)則與繼電裝置答你配合,當線路(lù)發生(shēng)短路(lù)、過電流等故障時(sh個服í),向繼電裝置供電切斷故障線路(lù),以保護線路鐘身(lù)中的貴重設備,如(rú)發電機和變壓器(qì)等。 時愛

Current transformer can be divide劇黃d into measuring current transfor船大mer and protection current transfor動服mer. The measuring cu水商rrent transformer is mainly used in c玩章onjunction with measuri暗報ng instrument to measure c她下urrent, power and electric energ拿音y under normal working state.秒費 The protection current t請可ransfimage.pngormer cooperating with relay坐近 device will cut off the line in cas讀通e of faults such as 友知short circuit or over cur飛相rent to protect valuable equipment in冷在 the line, such as generator and transf們黑ormer.



High permeability, low coercivity

— 寬的電流測量範圍

Wide measurement curre離鄉nt range

— 優異的溫度穩定性

Excellent temperature stabili請謝ty

— 優異的抗飽和特性

Excellent performance on DC習朋 immue


·電子(zǐ)電度表(Electronic wat子日t hour meter)

·精密功率表(Precision power meter)

·機械控制中電流過載保護(Current overload 人綠protection in mechanical 嗎玩control)

·工業自動化(huà)中電流控制(Current control in ind廠唱ustrial automation)

·漏電保護開關(guān)(Leakage protection sw化話itch)




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