大功率高頻主變鐵芯 Transformer Cores

納米晶C型鐵芯與其他磁性金(jīn)屬材料制成姐好的鐵芯相比具有更低(dī)的損耗 Nanocrystalline C-C劇公ores have much lower core兵北 loss than those made校短 of other magnetic metallic materi湖花als.

Contact Person: 孫經理(lǐ) Origin:北京市(shì)海澱區 Haidian,Beijing China



With the high frequenc花雜y and power developme輛從nt trend of the powe明鐵r supply, the core com照見ponents of the high frequenc新飛y power supply put forward high司如er design requirements. The h東新igh-power transformer c雪歌ore must meet the demand of h師技igh frequency, low l請朋oss, small volume, high energy conver樂女sion efficiency, and the core size刀如 should be customized. At pre秒電sent, a large number of materi土訊als such as silicon steel a暗黃re used as transformers in the high-pow唱年er high-frequency power supply著區 market. The problems are mainl劇你y caused by large loss, high t船路emperature rise, low temp老笑erature conversion effic白雜iency, etc. In recent years, nanocry我內stalline ribbon products家聽 have been iteratively updat章風ed, and the development trend 城冷of ultra-thin ribbon風行s to cope with high-f那區requency development has妹生 been vigorously dev體草eloped, which can basically meet the de現兵sign requirements of high-frequency t些村ransformers within 100 kHz. Nanoc討體rystalline soft magne媽好tic alloy materials have個外 high saturation magnet有白ic induction, low loss, high pow中火er size customization design and high那議 temperature operation reli鄉又ability. Nanocrystalline rectangula鐘農r and C-typed cores are now widely放場 used in industrial fields suc習農h as traction/auxiliary po亮地wer supplies for electric vehicles, D懂舊C converters, and electro城微static precipitators. &東化nbsp;


—低(dī)損耗 Low Core Loss


Nanocrystalline C-Cores have 報放much lower core loss than those made o外短f other magnetic metallic m湖高aterials.

—小體(tǐ)積 Small Volume 


Nanocrystalline C-Cores allow designi場視ng applications with high o科暗peration flux densit睡熱y due to high saturation fluxdens我影ity (Bs=1.25T) and lower loss prop腦遠erty,meeting miniaturization design.

—高耐熱性 High Operation 唱師Temperature


Nanocrystalline C-Cores術行 can be used in class F insulation gr鐵間ade(155℃).


Operating temperature: -20~+15劇錢5℃(including self tempera土服ture rise)



 Industrial Power:High frequ務機ency transformers for 吧水X-ray CT, induction heatin相務g apparatus, welding mach房雪ine, communication e和快quipment, electrosta來理tic precipitators and its powe麗土r supply, etc.


 New Energy:Inducto們技rs (choke coils) for power conditi微哥oner of photovoltaic, wind p遠做ower generator, fuel cell.


 EV & 5G:Induc請笑tors for boost/down 拍舊converter of HEV, FC理明V, UPS,etc.

四、磁性能(néng)(Magnetic Energy):

1.不同切割鐵芯的直流疊加特性 DC superpositi弟道on characteristics of various cut core中冷s:


2.不同切割鐵芯的損耗特性 Core Loss of va年雨rious cut cores:



Note:These datashows value of the 唱和shape corresponding to CNC139110024秒物025.


一(yī)、尺寸圖示(Size Chart):





二、産品選型表(Product selection table)自民:

