納米晶共模電感鐵芯 CMC Cores

高飽和磁感應強度-有效縮小共模電感體(tǐ)積 Hi玩農gh saturate induction—re分從duce volume of CMC,優良的阻抗-頻率特性 Ex器綠cellent impedance frequency characteris件草tic

Contact Person:孫經理(lǐ) Origin:北京市(shì)海澱區




AT&M will select ribbon with suit樹上able composition and level to win她話d cores based the performance r雨門equirements from customers. Then cores 唱著will be annealed in magnetic field to 分司meet customers’ requirements. 行不Finally cores will be packaged acco年土rding to customer’s requi土東rements.



High saturate induct秒爸ion—reduce volume of CMC


Excellent impedance frequency chara音金cteristic  


Outstanding ability t場空o resist unbalanced current &nbs機家p;


Excellent thermal stability&nb麗可sp;



Nanocrystalline alloy has higher 作熱Curie temperature compared with樂高 ferrite and can stably work even at人街 180℃; It has higher permeability and從好 saturated inductance. Th我我e weight and volume of the nano老我crystalline cores are re睡如duced. Usually, the power loss of copp城要er windings is only 50 - 70% of fe行通rrite. Nanocrystalline cores are wi們討dely applied to variable frequen房鐘cy drive, EV controller ,商門 air-conditioner, LCD 南請TV, induction cooker and other co到一nsumer electronics a資科s well as EMC solution 靜關of industrial power supply su呢湖ch as welding machines.


2.變頻空調(Variable frequency air conditi大還oner)

3.電磁爐(Induction Cooker )

4.逆變焊機 (Inverter welding machine)



 五、納米晶與鐵氧體(tǐ)鐵芯性能(néng)對比(Magnetic Per事通formance Comparison B花坐etween Nanocrystalline and Ferrite Co紅請res):

基本性能(néng)對比 (Basic performance comp民請arison)

納米晶共模鐵芯 基本性能(néng)對比.png

六、應用原理(lǐ)及實例介紹( Principle and practi答美cal application):

1.變頻傳動變頻器(qì)(Variable-frequen秒跳cy Drive Device )


Frequency converter is electricity 不讀control equipment which uses va開現riable and micro electron路拍ics technologies to control an AC mo數快tor through changing些雪 frequency of power 月刀supply for the motor. It is com妹吧posed of rectifier (AC-DC), filters, in讀相verters (DC-AC), brake unit, driv和好e unit, test unit, micro-一少processing unit, etc. 新制It adjusts the output volta大個ge and frequency by switching int刀作ernal IGBT and provides required 南木power supply voltage fo間紅r energy conservation and speed contr可會ol. It is widely applied as the industr紅些ial automation improves continuously. L如文ow-frequency common mode choke cores 分影are used for low voltage inverte道地r(≤1000V) and effectively sup吧熱press the interferenc間要es. 


2.光伏發電逆變器(qì)( PV Inverter)


AT&M CMC Cores ar員愛e applied to 500KW & 1MW ce聽筆ntralized PV inverters. High可上-permeability CMC Co員木res are applied to EMC f上愛ilters near to AC output of high-power訊長 PV inverters. The better EMI suppr去機ession effect can be reached by less qu低美antity of CMC cores due to 哥銀high induction performa化討nce. Low- permeability 光間CMC cores are applied to EMC f山花ilters near to DC outpu大媽t of high-power PV inve就計rters. Low-permeabil笑著ity CMC cores have excell亮醫ent inductance perform紅的ance depend on frequency and effective生分 anti-DC bias performance to avoid t遠下he damage from saturated indu小那ctance.


3.風(fēng)力發電變流器(qì)(Wind刀遠 Power Converter )


AT&M CMC Cores are applied to d城什irect-drive and double-fed convert朋的ers covering 1MW、1.5MW放草、2MW、3MW, etc. The choke design 去購of stacking several 費影nanocrystalline cores are effe爸有ctive solution for big be店雪ar current problems. Meanwhile it is a件離lso effective EMI solution caused by b不不ig current interfere (dozens to m個這ore than 100 A) for wind energ內跳y, variable-speed drive and下中 other application. All th還金ose problems usually are r讀文eflected in high-fre服放quency peak current and easily s讀大olved by AT&M stack草湖ing CMC cores design. The stack個票ing ways are depend on s弟外aturated current and induction. Cus歌南tomer can select one core or stacked c農制ores(up to 7 cores).




Nanocrystalline common mode is more他銀 and more applied to 那房on-board charger of the ba場機ttery electric vehicle and Hybrid El雪視ectric Vehicle. Even under temperat秒兵ure as high as 180℃ , N錢上anocrystalline cores can議紅 work safely over long term; restrict也線ed by the temperature limi友很t of around 100℃, ferrite cor業弟es can’t meet the requiremen說爸t.


5.氣體(tǐ)絕緣開關(guān)設備呢時(Gas insulated switchgears)

氣體(tǐ)絕緣開關(guān)設備(GIS)是非常可靠的電力傳輸網絡的組件。線亮在過去的幾年,系統電壓達到1.2千伏。GIS為就的切換操作(zuò)可能(néng)導緻危險的瞬态電壓(V我司FTO)。在内部導體(tǐ)上(shàng)同心的安裝納米晶鐵芯作(外體zuò)為(wèi)單匝的電抗器(qì),可以有效地抑制這就火(zhè)些(xiē)破壞性的高頻(~15 MHz)電壓。其他的鐵芯材也地料如(rú)鐵氧體(tǐ)不能(néng)解決答河這(zhè)個(gè)問題。

GIS is reliable equip東分ment for power transmission. The sys區讀tem voltage has been up to 事呢1.2KV during past years. The 服麗switch operation of GIS may 坐理lead to danger VFTO. The reacto可民rs with nanocrystalline cores can 站哥prevent the damage f鄉都rom high frequency voltage 哥劇(~15 MHz). Other materia微厭ls cannot solve this probl女議em such as ferrite.


6.高能(néng)粒子(zǐ)加速器(qì話說)(High energy particle accel鄉開erator)


Due to the high saturation f讀道lux density of at least 1,2Tesla suit土行able nanocrystalline cores銀笑 are the preferred solution for the 關區tuning elements in synchrot你冷ron cavities. Related applications lik這化e particle beam de-bunchers or bunch 街跳compressors are often very mu吧鐘ch limited in space. 市作By the use of nanocrystalline c人國ores, the required length compared to村科 Ferrite cores can be 南師reduced by typically 50% - but with司外 the disadvantage of 事志significantly higher power co國司nsumption during operati可兵on. But due to their 外長low impedance, the nanocrys票秒talline cores also av筆東oid unfavorable interactions with the費村 ion beam and thus, the很化y are used in several partic兵動le beam accelerator installations wo小報rldwide.


 一(yī)、尺寸圖示(Size Chart)




二、産品選型表(Product selectio暗西n table):

