納米晶共模電感鐵芯 CMC Cores

高飽和磁感應強度-有效縮小共模電感體(tǐ)積 High satur喝笑ate induction—reduce volume of C快些MC,優良的阻抗-頻率特性 Excellent得文 impedance frequency characteristic電很

Contact Person:孫經理(lǐ) Origin:北京市(shì)海澱區




AT&M will select ribbon with su得能itable composition and level你線 to wind cores based the performance r師關equirements from custom機購ers. Then cores will be an弟拍nealed in magnetic field to meet custo來明mers’ requirements. Finally c就自ores will be packaged according to cust都他omer’s requirements.



High saturate induction—reduce vol他可ume of CMC


Excellent impedance frequency characte車懂ristic  


Outstanding ability to re雜水sist unbalanced current&nb物哥sp; 


Excellent thermal stabili資雪ty 



Nanocrystalline alloy has 件光higher Curie temperat體月ure compared with ferrite an吃文d can stably work even at 180℃; 行煙It has higher permeabil上路ity and saturated indu飛老ctance. The weight a媽多nd volume of the nanocrystalline cor黃購es are reduced. Usually,線飛 the power loss of copper windings is員麗 only 50 - 70% of ferrite. Nanocrystall少西ine cores are widely appli商化ed to variable frequ白弟ency drive, EV controller , air-con她說ditioner, LCD TV, induct志鐵ion cooker and other consume空討r electronics as well as EMC solutio個個n of industrial power supply su好技ch as welding machines.


2.變頻空調(Variable frequency air condition爸兒er)

3.電磁爐(Induction Cooker )

4.逆變焊機 (Inverter welding machi讀火ne)



 五、納米晶與鐵氧體(tǐ)鐵芯性能(néng)對比(Magnetic Perfo短影rmance Comparison Between Nanocrysta紅舞lline and Ferrite Cores)民可:

基本性能(néng)對比 (Basic performan房快ce comparison)

納米晶共模鐵芯 基本性能(néng)對比.png

六、應用原理(lǐ)及實例介紹( Pri他個nciple and practical applic舊綠ation):

1.變頻傳動變頻器(qì)(Variable-frequency Drive好制 Device )


Frequency converter is electricity con海呢trol equipment which站外 uses variable and micro electronics te是店chnologies to control an制舊 AC motor through changing frequency慢議 of power supply for t和站he motor. It is composed of 慢要rectifier (AC-DC), filters黑為, inverters (DC-AC), brake unit, drive劇影 unit, test unit, micro-pr員街ocessing unit, etc. It a錯樂djusts the output voltage錯還 and frequency by switching internal IG坐工BT and provides requ秒街ired power supply voltage for en綠農ergy conservation and speed control. 站和It is widely applied通是 as the industrial automation improves 近綠continuously. Low-frequency co科子mmon mode choke cores ar遠票e used for low voltage 近問inverter(≤1000V) and eff筆音ectively suppress th理科e interferences. 


2.光伏發電逆變器(qì)( PV Inve黑跳rter)

     男黃  适用于500kW、1MW大功率集服紙中式光伏逆變器(qì)。高磁導率大共模電感鐵芯适用于大功率光伏身說逆變器(qì)交流側EMC濾波,利用鐵芯的高電感能(néng)有效減少鐵算我芯數量達到很好(hǎo)(hǎo)的濾波效果;低(志黑dī)磁導率大共模電感鐵芯适用于大功率光伏逆變器(和好qì)直流側EMC濾波,該類鐵芯電感頻率特性好(hǎo)(hǎo),能(né術低ng)有效抵抗不平衡直流分(fēn)量,避免鐵芯飽和造成的燒毀。

AT&M CMC Cores are appli人離ed to 500KW & 1MW cent都木ralized PV inverters. 姐業High-permeability CMC Cores are 話習applied to EMC filters near to志村 AC output of high-power PV inverter熱志s. The better EMI suppression effect 公睡can be reached by less quant到很ity of CMC cores due to high inductio坐對n performance. Low- permea就上bility CMC cores are applied to EMC 場綠filters near to DC out月跳put of high-power PV inverters. 你小Low-permeability CMC 文件cores have excellent inductance p會嗎erformance depend on秒火 frequency and effective an大數ti-DC bias performance to avoid the d女雨amage from saturated inductanc不們e.


3.風(fēng)力發電變流器(qì)(Wind Powe短件r Converter )


AT&M CMC Cores are appl商農ied to direct-drive and double-f錯到ed converters covering 1MW、1.5MW、2M時醫W、3MW, etc. The choke design of st海計acking several nanocrystall中開ine cores are effective solutio得校n for big bear current pro街家blems. Meanwhile it is als門懂o effective EMI solution 會店caused by big current int物公erfere (dozens to more than 100 A) f動年or wind energy, variable-speed drive an南票d other application. 自動All those problems usually日票 are reflected in high-freq人些uency peak current a間大nd easily solved by AT&M stacking弟花 CMC cores design. The stacking ways a農有re depend on saturated cur自弟rent and induction. Customer can視下 select one core or 妹議stacked cores(up to 7 cores但但).




Nanocrystalline common mode is mo文資re and more applied to on-board charger少時 of the battery elect但山ric vehicle and Hybrid Elec匠能tric Vehicle. Even under temper女件ature as high as 180℃ , Nanocrys外地talline cores can work saf做明ely over long term; restr飛為icted by the temperature li火事mit of around 100℃, ferrite cores ca了票n’t meet the requirement.


5.氣體(tǐ)絕緣開關(guān)設備(資國Gas insulated switchgears)

氣體(tǐ)絕緣開關(guān)設備(GI校在S)是非常可靠的電力傳輸網絡的組件。在過去的關體幾年,系統電壓達到1.2千伏。GIS的切民電換操作(zuò)可能(néng)導緻危險的瞬态電壓(VFTO)。在内部在可導體(tǐ)上(shàng)同心的安裝納米鄉畫晶鐵芯作(zuò)為(wèi)單匝的電抗器(qì),可以有效地抑制這師村(zhè)些(xiē)破壞性的高頻(~15 MHz)電壓。其他的鐵芯材料如(r快什ú)鐵氧體(tǐ)不能(néng)解決這(zhè)個(g光藍è)問題。

GIS is reliable equi現說pment for power transmission. The syst木了em voltage has been up to 1.費民2KV during past years. The swit頻校ch operation of GIS may lead to da綠話nger VFTO. The reactors with n工唱anocrystalline cores can preve聽雜nt the damage from high f舊低requency voltage (~15 MHz). Other 男煙materials cannot sol厭麗ve this problem such as ferrite.


6.高能(néng)粒子(zǐ)加速器(qì)(High呢拍 energy particle accelerator)


Due to the high saturation flux densit村作y of at least 1,2Tesla suitable na鐵個nocrystalline cores are the pref房現erred solution for the tuning e術姐lements in synchrotron ca喝愛vities. Related applications lik訊店e particle beam de-bunchers or bunc光著h compressors are often very much limit厭行ed in space. By the use短知 of nanocrystalline cores, the舞司 required length compared t和西o Ferrite cores can be快花 reduced by typically 50%房術 - but with the disadvantage of街土 significantly higher power村從 consumption during operation. Bu數筆t due to their low impedance, t對月he nanocrystalline cor靜靜es also avoid unfavorable intera報關ctions with the ion beam and thus, t林朋hey are used in several particle b影了eam accelerator installations worldwid習藍e.


 一(yī)、尺寸圖示(Size Chart)




二、産品選型表(Product selection tabl小有e):

