Amorphous Distribution Transformer

Mainly used in the field of distri睡雨bution transformer, compared to the關白 traditional silicon iron 外地and steel core transformer no文購-load loss of energy sav的不ing 60%--80%.

Manufacturer:Yongfeng Nanocrystalli什窗ne Products Branch
Contact Person:Mr. Sun Origin:Haidian District,Beijing

安泰科技 非晶配電變壓器(qì)1# 010-58712641.png

安泰科技 非晶配電變壓器(qì)2# 010-58712641.png

安泰科技 010-58712641 .pngApplication:
Compared with the tra去白ditional silicon steel transformer問東, the non-load loss o腦開f AMDT is greatly red要做uce, which attributes to the low 化錢loss and high permeability 藍對characteristic of amorphous m不從aterial. Therefore the AMD船錢T is taken as the best ener妹拍gy-saving transformer so f月樹ar. As to the SH15 AMDT, the non-lo線妹ad loss reduced 70% compared with the窗報 S13 type.Thus the AMD就間T is wide use in the rural 玩機power grid and other regions with lo國如wer transformer loading level, and play遠湖s an very important role in energy高短-saving and emission reduction f行能or power transmission and distribtio國男n.

安泰科技 010-58712641 .pngRural Power Grid with Avera很日ge Loading Facotor at 0.3.

安泰科技 非晶配電變壓器(qì)4# 010-58712641.png

安泰科技 非晶配電變壓器(qì)3# 010-58712641.png

Even though the Price of AM跳算DT is Higher than that of slicon steel內還 transformer, it will be more econo拍舞mical if evaluated by Total Owning Cost訊業(TOC).