Amorphous Distribution算物 Transformer

Mainly used in the field of distribut都子ion transformer, compared to the 電很traditional silicon iro區大n and steel core transfo筆開rmer no-load loss of energy saving 6低地0%--80%.

Manufacturer:Yongfeng Nanocrystalline Products B師國ranch
Contact Person:Mr. Sun Origin:Haidian District,Beijing

安泰科技 非晶配電變壓器(qì)1# 010-58712641.png

安泰科技 非晶配電變壓器(qì)2# 010-58712641.png

安泰科技 010-58712641 .pngApplication:
Compared with the traditional 歌電silicon steel transformer, th也又e non-load loss of AMDT is gre近著atly reduce, which attributes to t影內he low loss and high permeability char場錢acteristic of amorphous materi店白al. Therefore the AMDT is taken 飛校as the best energy-saving transform老快er so far. As to the SH15答這 AMDT, the non-load loss red街個uced 70% compared with 也西the S13 type.Thus the 讀答AMDT is wide use in the rural power gr錯科id and other regions wi們信th lower transformer loading level, 麗作and plays an very important 了刀role in energy-saving and 公報emission reduction for power tra友短nsmission and distribtion.

安泰科技 010-58712641 .pngRural Power Grid with Average Load校微ing Facotor at 0.3.

安泰科技 非晶配電變壓器(qì)4# 010-58712641.png

安泰科技 非晶配電變壓器(qì)3# 010-58712641.png

Even though the Price of志站 AMDT is Higher than that of slicon ste玩門el transformer, it will be more economi我工cal if evaluated by To門就tal Owning Cost(TOC).