Amorphous Distribution Transformer

Mainly used in the field of di吃物stribution transformer, compared 秒下to the traditional silicon iron and 雪做steel core transformer no-load loss 嗎車of energy saving 60%--8相劇0%.

Manufacturer:Yongfeng Nanocrystalline Products Bran船聽ch
Contact Person:Mr. Sun Origin:Haidian District,Beijing

安泰科技 非晶配電變壓器(qì)1# 010-58712641.png

安泰科技 非晶配電變壓器(qì)2# 010-58712641.png

安泰科技 010-58712641 .pngApplication:
Compared with the traditional silicon s視厭teel transformer, the non-load雜雜 loss of AMDT is greatly red都校uce, which attributes to the l媽我ow loss and high permeabi開看lity characteristic of am做視orphous material. Ther國紅efore the AMDT is taken as the best 紅白energy-saving transformer so far. As to紙店 the SH15 AMDT, the non-load loss red門妹uced 70% compared with the S13 上請type.Thus the AMDT is wide use in the不吃 rural power grid and 山服other regions with lower tra書姐nsformer loading level, and plays a車內n very important role in energy-線拍saving and emission reduction for請又 power transmission and distribtion.

安泰科技 010-58712641 .pngRural Power Grid with Average Loadin水視g Facotor at 0.3.

安泰科技 非晶配電變壓器(qì)4# 010-58712641.png

安泰科技 非晶配電變壓器(qì)3# 010-58712641.png

Even though the Price of AMDT is學輛 Higher than that of現民 slicon steel transformer,見唱 it will be more econom放請ical if evaluated by Total Owning計醫 Cost(TOC).