功率變壓器(qì) Power Transfor中通mer

高飽和磁感應強度—有效縮小變壓器(qì)體(tǐ)積 High saturat子家ion magnetic induction去船 intensity—Reduce the size區機 of the transformer 自窗effectively




With the development of 還哥high frequency and miniaturizat身飛ion of power supplie亮科s, design requirements are higher花就 for the power transformer, the co大月re component of electro輛得magnetic conversion of書視 high frequency power多音 supplies. High-frequency 樂商transformers must meet 雜女the requirements of high醫地 frequency, low loss, small vol笑做ume, high energy eff都科iciency conversion e草的fficiency and size cu間麗stomization.

At present, a large numb關商er of ferrite core transfo這影rmers are used in the high-fre民影quency power supply ma窗件rket, but their major pr歌區oblems are large volume, high tempera呢訊ture rise, low temperature c了海onversion efficiency, p花雜oor resistance to unba化玩lanced current charact上內eristics, high tempe訊亮rature input impedance cha師開racteristics fluctuations and high 購山temperature leakage in藍生ductance, which affect the el知在ectromagnetic compatibility可兒 of the circuit and the normal 章森resonant working state.

In recent years, nanocry報外stalline have been up著他dated iteratively. And 是都ultra-thin ribbon has been d音近eveloped vigorously to關有 meet the development trend of high fr區服equency which can basi畫光cally meet the design requ爸少irements of high frequency transfo件做rmers within 100 kHz. Nanocrystall雨票ine soft magnetic alloy materi司在als have the advantage窗冷s of high saturation 討裡magnetic induction, low loss,裡知 high power size customiz學我ation design and high temperature op城算eration reliability. It h話如as been favored and praised by desi草機gn engineers in the fi大爸eld of high-frequency power at home a市上nd abroad.

 、産品特點(Characteristic): 大分


High saturation magnetic induction inte短妹nsity—Reduce the size of the transfor銀西mer effectively


Low coercivity—To impr到紅ove the efficiency and reduce the農山 transformer excitin很事g power and copper loss


Permeability- custom樂訊ized design according to your needs


Low loss- Reduce transformer temperat微頻ure rise


Higher Curie temperature - ex海讀cellent temperature stabi麗他lity


High-power design - to meet the need行還s of large-size iron core cus匠可tomization



廣泛地應用在各領域的開關(guān)電源上(shàng)W新吧idely used in switching power suppli吃黃es in various fields:

·鐵路(lù)運輸中的開關(guān)電那資源(Switching power supply in railway tr相輛ansportation)

·電動交通工具、電車充電器(qì)(Electric vehicl關習e, EV charger)

·輪船上(shàng)用的開關(guān)電源(Switchi還雪ng power supply for s對離hips) 

·400HZ飛機電源(400HZ aircraft po如呢wer supply) 

·通信電源(Communication Power Supp友唱ly)

·焊接、電鍍用電源(Welding ele吧照ctroplating power supply) 

·無線電及TV的發射器(qì)電源(Radio and TV t飛業ransmitter power)

·風(fēng)力設備電源(Wind power suppl費美y)

·核磁共振層析X射線攝影機開關(guān)電源(Switchin可長g power supply for nuclear magnetic 道商resonance tomography (NMR她可) X-ray cameras)

·粒子(zǐ)加速器(qì)輕量級開關(guān)電源(是日Particle accelerator lightweight們討 switching power supply)

 四、技術參數(Technical specifications): 


産品選型表(Product selection table):

1.逆變焊機變壓器(qì)鐵芯選型表(Selection table能話 of transformer core for invert服離er welder)


2.變壓器(qì)選型表(Transformer sel街近ection table)
