大功率高頻主變鐵芯 Transformer 慢低Cores

納米晶C型鐵芯與其他磁性金(jīn)屬材料制成的鐵芯相比具有更低(們器dī)的損耗 Nanocrystalline C-Cores have輛愛 much lower core loss th體好an those made of other magne讀工tic metallic materials.

聯系人(rén): 孫經理(lǐ) 原産地:北京市(shì)海澱區 Haidian,Beijing 公城China



With the high frequency and power de就劇velopment trend of the金作 power supply, the core components of 亮上the high frequency power supply put f生北orward higher design requirements. 制作The high-power transformer core must女她 meet the demand of high frequen票微cy, low loss, small volume, high ene物紅rgy conversion efficie南高ncy, and the core size s又門hould be customized. At present, a知西 large number of materials such as s黑視ilicon steel are used as制都 transformers in the high-power h線車igh-frequency power sup們個ply market. The problems are 她要mainly caused by large 海快loss, high temperatur離東e rise, low temperature conversion ef自如ficiency, etc. In recent years, nanocr兵訊ystalline ribbon product很農s have been iteratively updated, and 新睡the development trend of ultra-thi草她n ribbons to cope with high-frequ就去ency development has been vig城物orously developed, which c家化an basically meet the design requireme家謝nts of high-frequency transforme照是rs within 100 kHz. Nanocrystalline sof科能t magnetic alloy materials 報湖have high saturation magnetic inductio司站n, low loss, high power size cust你腦omization design and high tem跳術perature operation reliabilit花書y. Nanocrystalline rectangular and C木影-typed cores are now wi舊靜dely used in industrial fields s嗎術uch as traction/auxiliary power s草鐵upplies for electric vehicles, DC conve理件rters, and electrostat車麗ic precipitators.  


—低(dī)損耗 Low Core Loss


Nanocrystalline C-Cores have much l能好ower core loss than those made of ot少什her magnetic metallic materia不短ls.

—小體(tǐ)積 Small Volume 


Nanocrystalline C-Cores a事個llow designing applications with h到放igh operation flux density 是購due to high saturation fluxdensi樹時ty (Bs=1.25T) and lower l歌服oss property,meeting miniaturization弟學 design.

—高耐熱性 High Operation Temperature


Nanocrystalline C-Cores ca內水n be used in class F i購又nsulation grade(155℃).


Operating temperature: -20~+15校女5℃(including self temperature rise)



 Industrial Pow來的er:High frequency transformers f呢慢or X-ray CT, induction heating appa錢得ratus, welding machine街東, communication equipment, electro錢唱static precipitators and its power su農理pply, etc.


 New Energy:Inductors (cho會放ke coils) for power c樹對onditioner of photovoltai費老c, wind power generator, fuel cell.


 EV & 5G:Inductors for bo件舞ost/down converter of HEV,拍睡 FCV, UPS,etc.

四、磁性能(néng)(Magnetic Energy個風):

1.不同切割鐵芯的直流疊加特性 DC superpositi雜有on characteristics of various拍相 cut cores:


2.不同切割鐵芯的損耗特性 Core Loss of various cut熱體 cores:



Note:These datashows value of th討長e shape corresponding to CNC1391100240明民25.


一(yī)、尺寸圖示(Size Chart):





二、産品選型表(Product sele分畫ction table):

