AGC (servo cylinder)

Imported AGC (servo cylind地頻er) the perfect replacem購男ent, large cylinder professional manuf家事acturing and maintenance unit

Contact Person:FUQIANG MEIOrigin:CHINA


Imported AGC (servo cyl都哥inder) the perfect replacement,我快 large cylinder professional manufac嗎光turing and maintenan服銀ce unit .AT&M Environmental En謝山gineering Technology Co. Lt但數d. has the original researc下民h institute of iron and steel pressure和暗 processing laboratory, mainly eng動資aged in cold strip AGC units to promo要明te the development of technol山計ogy, and profound, has a lo南明ng history (more than 3好行0 years), has now become the leading司花 comprehensive perfor讀錢mance, has completed the domes吧電tic and internationa市中l wide heavy plate project A作冷GC and two, four six,為有 eight, twelve, twenty roller cold 兒商rolling and cold rolling machin從上e AGC project more than 5輛日00 sets.

In the AGC and metallurgica黃得l engineering both servo厭煙 control technology level, equ大高ipment processing capacity and suppor到亮ting customer service s店煙ervice etc. are the leading domestic歌能 level, especially h少有as more advantages in the 習森research and development of從工 AGC cylinder and the se商水rvo control system, and is equipped 聽資with large tonnage AG劇雪C and servo oil cylinde煙的r special detection frame年家, can do all kinds of clo人線sed loop servo system th劇美e static performance test, c月藍an produce the maximum hydraulic pi妹子ston diameter 1650mm, diam志呢eter 2300mm, AGC cylinder max對物imum rolling force of 10000他秒0KN, the highest positioning 中空accuracy of cylinder is 0.0005雨務mm (aluminum foil mill). AGC cylinder p技就erformance index I the actual p關從roduction has reached or exc著飛eeded the level of impo醫跳rted cylinder, can comple飛她tely replace imported cylinder . W鐘國e can repair a varie關了ty of imported cylinder with low 見說costs, At the same time, can als得煙o carry on technologica哥什l treform to the imported cylin會慢der, improving the perfor錢如mance and service life.