Breathable Steel

Breathable steel is widely used in p地白lastic injection molding field, 坐作aimed at resolving t校年he plastic injection or gas accumulati事紙on in the cavity during the睡懂 process of metal casting p雜腦roblem.

Contact Person:HAO WANGOrigin:CHINA

 Breathable steel is widely used in 對兒plastic injection moldi吧報ng field, aimed at resolving the pla吃到stic injection or gas acc時喝umulation in the cavity during 著火the process of metal話黃 casting problem, re從村duce defects in the 醫制parts forming, such 拿的as collapse or weld mark, imp風商rove the quality of the part子火s. Breathable steel has 數金three series,3 microns,7鐵飛 microns and 20 microns ,which shape影音s is square ,rods or customized a樂快ccording to customers req用美uirements.