Niobium and Niobium Alloy

Material DescriptionN暗報iobium is a grey-white meta厭水l with melting point o冷文f 2468℃, boiling point of 4,742看話 ℃, and density of 8.57g/cm3.紅姐 Niobium is stable in air 書作at room temperature, and cannot be ful鄉工ly oxidized in oxygen even when it這信’s hot and turns red; it ca

Contact Person:Origin:Beijing

Material Description

Niobium is a grey-white metal with mel間員ting point of 2468℃, boili相女ng point of 4,742 ℃, and density of 師和8.57g/cm3. Niobium is stable in air司城 at room temperature, and cannot be 秒房fully oxidized in oxygen even when it’s店視 hot and turns red; it ca銀劇n directly compound 間腦with sulfur, nitrogen數暗, and carbon at high temperature,子上 can form alloys with titani小司um, zirconium, hafnium, and車街 tungsten. It has no chem城資ical action with inorganic aci劇劇ds or alkali; it is not dissolved in a子窗qua regia, but can be dissolved i現對n hydrofluoric acid. Niobium 到草has oxidation states of -1, + 2, + 3, +聽開4 and +5, in which +5 c低愛ompound is most stable.

Areas of Application

Because of high melting point, corros年銀ion-resistance, cold-proce視書ssing performance and 開朋other characteristics, niobium 學河and niobium alloy bar and wire product水紅s are widely used in chemical愛音, electronics, aviation and space輛如 fields. With a densit煙相y of 16.57g/cm3, niobi錢錢um and niobium alloy bars are used as 機煙structural materials 匠靜for aero-engines and rocket nozzl厭在es, internal components and co聽理ating materials for reactors, and費中 various corrosion-resistant parts 玩睡for corrosion environme制間nt with nitric acid, hydrochlor醫校ic acid or sulfuric acid. Adding zi術著rconium into niobium can significant國他ly improve the antioxidant properties 下從and strength of materials; by this way小吃, niobium and niobium zir木明conium alloy wires ar務行e widely used in production of h吧花igh pressure sodium lamps and a白好node lead wires for electro是得lytic capacitor.

Product Specifications

Different Options for You

AT&M Refractory Metal Materials事輛 adopts high-performance electron beam 司說melting technology to produce n短山iobium and niobium alloy with diffe了照rent sizes and specifications. I國空n particular, the com內光pany utilizes a large refractory met長風al processing platform to dev錯要elop a series of high-perform校市ance niobium and niobium a腦人lloy products, such as niobi志問um plates, niobium rods, tanta煙都lum-niobium alloy, zirconiu樹些m-niobium alloy, and mo明山lybdenum-niobium alloy.

Production Process

Leading Process Leads to Le姐答ading-Edge Products

As different areas of 玩弟application require di照但fferent material performance, A文票T&M Refractory Metal Mat內銀erials adopts different processing meth聽市ods to meet different performance requi是綠rements.

Company Advantages

High Requirements, High Quality

As one of the first companies engag紅業ed in the research and producti就亮on of tungsten, molybdenum, 湖中tantalum, niobium and other refrac兒聽tory metals in China, 學線AT&M Refractory Metal Mate體報rials has the most advanced車刀 production and testing equi兵東pment, such as large-西下scale hot and cold i高美sostatic press, 2400 ℃ high-temperatu都服re sintering furnace, vacuum sin身綠tering furnace, large electronic b綠請eam melting furnace, high-謝嗎performance rolling mill and匠金 others. While replying on the natio放影nal iron and steel mat票著erials testing center, the comp農行any can provide rapid and convenie視還nt test and analysis on m民如aterial performance.

During the continuous produ窗木ction for more than 50 years, AT&白腦M Refractory Metal Materials h歌件as accumulated rich experiences in r海林esearch, development還時 and production. Wit她線h leading-edge product q日有uality and technologies, it has becom事呢e a major global R&D 上劇and production base for tungsten, moly資歌bdenum, tantalum, niobium and中子 other refractory metallic materials.

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