Tantalum and Tantalum All子西oy

Material DescriptionTan自生talum is a rare and refractory metal. I計銀ts melting point is 2996℃ and den船子sity is 16. 68g/cm3; and lattice 務頻type: cubic body-cent吃湖ered. Its thermal conductivity coeffic南慢ient is (25℃) 54W/M・K可綠; and coefficient of linear expansi一草on is (0~100

Contact Person:Origin:Beijing

Material Description

Tantalum is a rare and ref呢資ractory metal. Its melting poin書門t is 2996℃ and density is 16. 68g/cm到美3; and lattice type: cubic body-ce廠可ntered. Its thermal con朋低ductivity coefficient is (25文紙℃) 54W/M・K; and coefficient o有熱f linear expansion is (0~100℃)遠風 6. 5×10-6. The main purpose of Ta志的ntalum is to be used for produ身畫ction of tantalum ele好民ctrolytic capacitors; in addition, it c器匠an also be used in high-temperature va學體cuum furnace and used 好看to produce supporting attachments, heat店腦 shields, heaters and低空 cooling fins, etc.

Tantalum alloy mainly 妹熱includes Ta-2. 5W, Ta-10W, Ta-40Nb a愛也nd others. Because of its good resi商習stance to high temperature and miner她靜al acid corrosion, Tantal秒房um Alloy can be used to produce h相有eat-resistant and high-作現strength materials for aircra月好fts, missiles, and rockets,市哥 and parts for control and regu習睡lation equipment.

Areas of Application

The company now has two t務為ypes of tantalum and ta街答ntalum alloy products, coverin短靜g 15 series and 88 variet畫事ies, which are widely used in electroni呢內cs, metallurgy, iron a也鄉nd steel, petroleum, chem北會icals, automobiles, telecommuni遠靜cations, construction, trans件內port, nuclear energy, aerospace,視西 aviation and other hig但要h-tech fields.

Product Specifications

Different Options fo文靜r You

AT&M Refractory Metal老術 Materials can produce a va唱購riety of large and special-shaped 還得products, and employ moulding, extrus計去ion and injection mo紙火lding methods to produce vari間要ous sheets, rods, tubes, and sma喝爸ll products in all shapes; b弟男y adopting the rolling proce又分ss for production of var懂友ious plates and multi-elemen動木t composite plates, the 吧身company can provide domesti西業c and foreign users with tantalum and話大 tantalum alloy products with a還件 variety of different compositions. 要懂The company’s technology has 見會reached the leading international lev舊到el. Main product spe懂紅cifications include:

Production Process

Leading Process Leads to Leading-Edg不妹e Products

As different areas of application r票對equire different material performance,風這 AT&M Refractory Metal用票 Materials adopts di海制fferent processing me都用thods to meet different performance 空廠requirements.

Company Advantages

High Requirements, High人輛 Quality

As one of the first companies en相議gaged in the research and product民土ion of tungsten, molybden但新um, tantalum, niobiu費司m and other refractory metals in Chi道書na, AT&M Refractory Metal Mater也輛ials has the most advance低地d production and testing equipment, s窗作uch as large-scale hot and cold 子是isostatic press, 2400 ℃ high-temperat作公ure sintering furnace, vacuum sint師地ering furnace, large electronic 他來beam melting furnace, high-performance姐來 rolling mill and other化都s. While replying on the national iro在中n and steel materials testing center暗花, the company can provide rapid 厭來and convenient test and analysis煙技 on material performance.

During the continuous production fo土影r more than 50 years南船, AT&M Refractory Metal 道如Materials has accumulated票錢 rich experiences in res冷喝earch, development and production. Wi男廠th leading-edge produ訊制ct quality and technologies, it has bec動報ome a major global R&D and produ鐘劇ction base for tungsten, 東信molybdenum, tantalum,線相 niobium and other refrac輛睡tory metallic materials.

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Please call us to know m算廠ore about tantalum and tantal歌老um alloy products provided 歌醫by AT&M Refractory Metal Material聽友s.