Molybdenum electrode

Material IntroductionW文黃e only use the purest molybdenum powde畫愛r to manufacture the mo要雪lybdenum electrodes. The molybdenum pow要見der has the character厭道istics of high melting point, high t歌市emperature strength 錯山and high hardness, good ther兒有mal shock resistance, goo空睡d e

Contact Person:Origin:Beijing

Material Introduction

We only use the purest m年音olybdenum powder to manu媽湖facture the molybdenum electrodes. Th秒大e molybdenum powder has the charac機錢teristics of high melting point劇又, high temperature strength and h熱冷igh hardness, good th明愛ermal shock resistance, good electrica們黑l conductivity, good the師熱rmal conductivity and 場樹good corrosion resistance an在那d other characteristics. Moly紙也bdenum also has a bette綠資r process suitability perfo了舊rmance, and is easy for pressure pro短黑cessing and machining.

Areas of Application

Molybdenum electrodes can be used 要商in glass melting furnac上為es producing high quality glass and 劇司glass fiber. Our electrodes are energy山自 efficiency, long servi他海ce life, and environmental frie理聽ndly. Molybdenum has a better co城用rrosion resistance than normal 廠內material in molten glass. If tiny rea輛化ction happened, it’s colorless, which 市雜does not pollute glass product.

Product Specificatio兵民ns

AT & M Refractory Metal Materials c亮信an provide domestic 飛件and international customers with a va黑小riety of different specifications of美動 the molybdenum elect對在rodes, and the technology林銀 of it has reached the int和雪ernational advanced lev錯跳el. Their main specifications and pe路答rformance are:

Production Process

AT & M Refractory Met商知al Materials uses the machining w舊歌ays of isostatic mol商我ding, high temperature sintering, f土為ree forging, and precision machining海見 to make the density of mo畫姐lybdenum rod close to聽分 the theoretical densi地街ty, thereby more excellent high tem明購perature performance can be achi得相eved.

Company Advantages

The molybdenum electrode techno那船logy researched and applied 呢些successfully by AT & M R知在efractory Metal Materials firstly has她睡 been used for glass呢司 fiber drawing furnace, glas我唱s kiln feed channel, a刀兒nd replaced the expensive platinum elec請業trodes. And this technology wo山道n the third Prize of N自事ational Invention Prize in 198志慢1. Now it has been used in the家事 whole country. The electric heating文店 and electric boosting molybde西制num electrodes for elect船房ric melting glass furnace and t看跳he corresponding coolin數森g system equipment researched, develop月師ed and produced on us own has flourish來章ed and extensively used in well-kno但月wn enterprises, companies跳中 in domestic glass industry, achie什為ving the trust and praise of the ma秒風jority of customers. Variety of plate a看爸nd rod-shaped electro來見des can meet the needs of a variety工拿 of fused kiln. Using this場公 kind of electrodes has the cha車計racteristics of less investment, high e理草nergy yield, corrosion 藍在resistance to molten glas中事s, uniform electrical load and curr習城ent density, uniform南輛 furnace temperature, job stabi購有lity, etc.

Relevant Products

Molybdenum electrodes can be used 人動a variety of glass furnaces e會一xcept the lead glass. The maximum us理你ing temperature of it is 1500 ℃. AT &am算黃p; M Refractory Metal Mate是光rials can provide full application o她開f technical services of design, instal紅間lation and alteration to ensure就他 smooth operation of our cu黑歌stomers. And the molybden城國um electrodes with wate見友r jacket, 5K alloys, paddles and o北綠ther accessories can be chosen by 內你you.