Spinning Molybdenum C市都rucible

Material DescriptionSpinning 動鐘is a pressure forming and遠對 processing method to form th銀化in-wall hollow rotary parts. It relies 也風on the feed movement知還 of rotary wheel or lever ro自綠d to add pressure to the meta畫視l blanks rotating along懂坐 the same axis of core mold, thus

Contact Person:Origin:Beijing

Material Description

Spinning is a pressure forming員高 and processing method to form弟一 thin-wall hollow rotary parts. It 外愛relies on the feed m水海ovement of rotary wheel or lever rod to暗很 add pressure to the metal blanks 科也rotating along the same axis of core 舞頻mold, thus making local 和玩plastic deformation to form re電章quired hollow.

We are the first domes懂能tic company which can adopt this proces花文s to produce thin-walled molybdenum cru討新cibles.

Spinning molybdenum cr服愛ucible is a thin-walled cr門家ucible made of a piece of mo問靜lybdenum plate by adopting the s高司pinning process. This proce山員ss can be also used to prod訊微uce large-size thin-walled 美白crucibles.

Areas of Application

When molybdenum plate is processed by 業業spinning and hot working proces是中s, its grains are extended under p子請ressure, and its physical perfo歌自rmance is further imp舞雨roved, which reduce material consu照都mption under the same str習請ength requirements. 放能Spinning molybdenum c得樹rucibles have good re化場sistance to high temperature cree讀銀p. Also, because of the nature cha著小racteristics of molybdenum 音站metal such as high melti村開ng point, high temperature 光藍strength, low pollution, co資業rrosion resistance, l媽鐵arge thermal conductivity, small 火個thermal expansion coefficient, a村睡nd good hardenability, spinning m內年olybdenum crucibles are widely us開他ed in Sapphire crystal growth刀車, rare-earth smelting, and coating in樹些dustry as melting containers. 

Product Specifications

We have mature technology and process,公在 and we are able to custom服街ize products with any弟黃 size you need.

Production Process

Leading-edge technol學匠ogy enables more efficient cost control厭術, and cost-efficiency醫的 is our goal.

It’s impossible to be the largest空們 hot-rolling mill in Chin說道a.

Company Advantages

High Requirements, High Quali火場ty and Pursuit of Excel小視lence

1. The first company in China wi呢讀th mass production of spi玩風nning molybdenum crucibles and the 快明technology has reached the inte一放rnational level;
2. High material utilization to eff路舞ectively control cost子靜s;
3. We communicate close輛作ly with end users to track th光笑eir needs;
4. Mature process and st學我able supply; monthly production capac筆他ity reaches up to 500媽店 pieces;

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Best Services

We have a perfect marketing, sales an的坐d  after-sales 會謝service and technical吃電 team.Besides providing you with our q拍刀uality products, we are亮章 more willing to provide professio著你nal technical services, and拿在 actively participation in your亮器 company's pre-sales 河學product design, after-sales qu電我ality tracking and technology imp爸新rovement related assembly, m和如aintenance, and repair.路司