
Advanced Technology &am妹關p; Materials Function務吧al Materials Division (short 水房for Division) located in the No 30 Yu道作hua Rd, Part B of Tianzhu紙女 Airport Industry Zone, Shun她知yi District, Beijing.美讀 It covers an area of 21厭爸6 mu of land, in which the l道美and of building has 124K s化畫quare meters. To the east, it is the J請生ingmi road which is 200 meters far化說 from here. And the base is a花間lso 100 meters far from the No. 15外女 subways. The Vanke City Garden 店火locates in the north of the base whic文影h 1 kilometers far. The International 電西Exhibition Center locates in 視是the south of the base whic船什h is also 1 kilometer far from here近書.



The Functional Materials Divisio影草n also named as the Beijing C舊了apital Airport District Br醫場anch in Shunyi district.

The Division has two branch樹為es, a research laboratory a冷鐵nd a joint venture enterp媽就rise, which is the Neo-Magne生都ts Branch, Special Alloys Bra朋站nch, Magnetic Materi什工als & Special type alloy Research 間站Laboratory.


Core function of the d對妹ivision:

· New materials’R&D: R間工esearching and developing the new ma錯靜terials and technolog子遠y, constructing the R&D buildings.視月

· New material industry 畫志incubation: Construct the incubatio購就n plant, incubate the new resu商可lts of the fields.

· New material industry base秒知: Develop the new mat也林erials industry base 少章mainly focusing on the mag不就netic materials. Including the 船讀high property rare earth m這吃agnets plant,  special 請店alloy melting center, p筆看recision metal products 睡長plant, Special alloy precision strip 商短plant and so on. It also include年習s the staff restaurant, bathroom舊音, dormitory and other車唱 living facilities. Totally討話 planning 152K square meters哥好. Now 63K square meters are 下短in using.


Main Products Including:

· Sintered NdFeB Magnets

· Casted Superalloys

· Precision Alloys

· Deforming Superalloys,Corrosion Resi南雪stant Alloys

· Special Precision Alloys

