功率變壓器(qì) Power Transformer

高飽和磁感應強度—有效縮小變壓器(qì)體爸電(tǐ)積 High saturation magn兒技etic induction intensity—Reduce the si用是ze of the transformer effective舞拍ly




With the development o林他f high frequency and miniaturizatio他空n of power supplies, d時門esign requirements are機分 higher for the power t錢的ransformer, the core component of el年會ectromagnetic conversion o新匠f high frequency powe時店r supplies. High-frequ志照ency transformers must meet the requir女飛ements of high frequency姐慢, low loss, small volume, high吧民 energy efficiency conversio秒現n efficiency and size customization.

At present, a large number of f鐘的errite core transformers are used in t湖音he high-frequency power supply銀舊 market, but their major problems 熱市are large volume, high tempera對影ture rise, low tempe些票rature conversion efficiency, poo微綠r resistance to unbalan答話ced current characteristics, high temp制外erature input impedance characte票師ristics fluctuations and hi場呢gh temperature leakage ind看就uctance, which affect t請也he electromagnetic compatibility of the媽車 circuit and the normal re海如sonant working state.

In recent years, nanoc會錢rystalline have been updated iterative睡愛ly. And ultra-thin ribbon has been d廠器eveloped vigorously to meet影信 the development tre計懂nd of high frequency which can basica家外lly meet the design requir你地ements of high frequenc線南y transformers within 100 kHz. Nanocr國討ystalline soft magnetic alloy mate湖快rials have the advantages of high sat煙她uration magnetic ind但裡uction, low loss, high 木紙power size customization de醫妹sign and high temperature operation re文秒liability. It has be山農en favored and praised近微 by design engineers票城 in the field of hig草南h-frequency power at home and abroad.



High saturation magnetic induction inte弟作nsity—Reduce the size of the transf通紅ormer effectively


Low coercivity—To improve草筆 the efficiency and reduce the transf時讀ormer exciting power and copper 在術loss


Permeability- customized de子車sign according to you西錢r needs


Low loss- Reduce tra跳在nsformer temperature rise


Higher Curie temperatu上間re - excellent temperature stability村遠


High-power design - to meet th快金e needs of large-size iron core c妹北ustomization



廣泛地應用在各領域的開關(guān)電源上(s南就hàng)Widely used in swit明吧ching power supplies in various fiel笑拿ds:

·鐵路(lù)運輸中的開關(guān)電源(Switching po線鐵wer supply in railway些新 transportation)

·電動交通工具、電車充電器(qì)(Electric vehicle報學, EV charger)

·輪船上(shàng)用的開關(guān)電源問制(Switching power supply國什 for ships) 

·400HZ飛機電源(400HZ aircraft power問下 supply) 

·通信電源(Communication Power Supply)

·焊接、電鍍用電源(Welding electroplatin一老g power supply) 

·無線電及TV的發射器(qì)電源(Radio an開森d TV transmitter power)

·風(fēng)力設備電源(Wind power supply)去是

·核磁共振層析X射線攝影機開關(guān)睡說電源(Switching power supply for n拿是uclear magnetic resonance tomog內下raphy (NMR) X-ray cameras)

·粒子(zǐ)加速器(qì)輕量級開關(guān)電源(Partic愛務le accelerator lightweight swit長喝ching power supply)

 四、技術參數(Technical specifications)我門: 


産品選型表(Product selection table):

1.逆變焊機變壓器(qì)鐵芯選型表(Selection table of 藍制transformer core for i友離nverter welder)


2.變壓器(qì)選型表(Transform和大er selection table)
