大功率高頻主變鐵芯 Transformer Cores

納米晶C型鐵芯與其他磁性金(jīn)屬材料制成的鐵芯相比具有更低(dī)的還雜損耗 Nanocrystalline C-Cores have much l月謝ower core loss than t秒術hose made of other magnetic metalli章湖c materials.

聯系人(rén): 孫經理(lǐ) 原産地:北京市(shì)海澱區 Haidian,Beijing China



With the high frequenc理筆y and power development trend of the視雪 power supply, the core co不場mponents of the high frequency power 關個supply put forward higher desig他南n requirements. The high-po雨綠wer transformer core must meet錯我 the demand of high fre請現quency, low loss, small volum作電e, high energy conve唱月rsion efficiency, and the core size相從 should be customized. At pres月們ent, a large number of mate紙請rials such as silicon s話朋teel are used as transformers i做分n the high-power high-fr時飛equency power supply market. T章森he problems are mainly caused by 區雜large loss, high tem唱業perature rise, low temperature conv少術ersion efficiency, etc. I司子n recent years, nanocrystalline ribbo雜麗n products have been iteratively upda制習ted, and the development trend of ultra自著-thin ribbons to cope 水線with high-frequency development has來請 been vigorously developed, 我金which can basically m那的eet the design requirements of hi一個gh-frequency transformers within 100那一 kHz. Nanocrystalline soft 藍件magnetic alloy materi到上als have high saturation mag紅村netic induction, low los視睡s, high power size customizatio媽著n design and high temperat美員ure operation reliability. Nanocrysta舞書lline rectangular and C-typed core書醫s are now widely used in industri我放al fields such as trac新唱tion/auxiliary power supplies for e子綠lectric vehicles, DC 老去converters, and electrostat中錢ic precipitators.  


—低(dī)損耗 Low Core Loss


Nanocrystalline C-Cores have 場房much lower core loss than 快機those made of other magnetic metallic m問哥aterials.

—小體(tǐ)積 Small Volume&nbs美山p;


Nanocrystalline C-Cores allow 場舊designing applications with high operat拿匠ion flux density due弟你 to high saturation flux新務density (Bs=1.25T) and lowe歌弟r loss property,meeting mi短書niaturization design.制體

—高耐熱性 High Operation Temp吃雪erature


Nanocrystalline C-Cores ca嗎畫n be used in class F insulation綠廠 grade(155℃).


Operating temperature: -20~+155℃(inclu身水ding self temperature rise)



 Industrial Power:High frequency t話劇ransformers for X-ray CT, i體腦nduction heating apparat子內us, welding machine, c東的ommunication equipment, electrostat高議ic precipitators and its power su能見pply, etc.


 New Energy:Inducto章有rs (choke coils) for power conditioner不南 of photovoltaic, win亮空d power generator, fuel cell.


 EV & 5G:Inductor玩照s for boost/down converter of HEV,白花 FCV, UPS,etc.

四、磁性能(néng)(Magnetic Ener要要gy):

1.不同切割鐵芯的直流疊加特性 DC supe工來rposition characteristics of var鄉資ious cut cores:


2.不同切割鐵芯的損耗特性 Core Loss of various cu舞山t cores:



Note:These datashows value 媽我of the shape corresponding to CNC139110西黃024025.


一(yī)、尺寸圖示(Size Chart)如還:





二、産品選型表(Product selection table):

