大功率高頻主變鐵芯 Transformer Cores金坐

納米晶C型鐵芯與其他磁性金(jīn)屬材料制成的鐵芯相比具有更低(dī)空山的損耗 Nanocrystalline C-Cores have much 照高lower core loss than th藍月ose made of other magnetic meta行愛llic materials.

聯系人(rén): 孫經理(lǐ) 原産地:北京市(shì)海澱區 Haidian,Be坐討ijing China



With the high frequency and p問雜ower development trend of the po快請wer supply, the core components 妹金of the high frequency power supply pu費拿t forward higher design require路舞ments. The high-power transformer cor我笑e must meet the demand of h有議igh frequency, low lo票熱ss, small volume, high en爸子ergy conversion efficiency, a路司nd the core size should be爸近 customized. At present, a large nu店書mber of materials such as s不有ilicon steel are used as transforme南新rs in the high-power high-frequ都媽ency power supply market. The pro一通blems are mainly caused火短 by large loss, high temperature ris聽視e, low temperature con請費version efficiency, etc. In recen數科t years, nanocrystalline rib也報bon products have been ite美房ratively updated, and the development服機 trend of ultra-thin ribbons to cope 南聽with high-frequency d亮科evelopment has been vigorously develop拍藍ed, which can basically meet the desi可動gn requirements of high-frequency 鐵懂transformers within 100 kHz. 媽話Nanocrystalline soft magn間器etic alloy materials have high話就 saturation magnetic inductio上書n, low loss, high power 玩司size customization design and high風術 temperature operation reliabil聽相ity. Nanocrystalline rectangula花湖r and C-typed cores are now widely厭北 used in industrial fiel哥花ds such as traction/auxiliary power街懂 supplies for electric懂吧 vehicles, DC converte輛音rs, and electrostatic pre時個cipitators.  


—低(dī)損耗 Low Core Loss


Nanocrystalline C-Cores費秒 have much lower core l做金oss than those made of other magnetic 兒吧metallic materials.

—小體(tǐ)積 Small Volume 


Nanocrystalline C-Cor人水es allow designing applications 我線with high operation flux d村區ensity due to high saturation fluxdens銀路ity (Bs=1.25T) and lower loss日歌 property,meeting miniaturization desi舊大gn.

—高耐熱性 High Operation Temperatu懂內re


Nanocrystalline C-Cores can be used知弟 in class F insulation grade(155℃)弟票.


Operating temperature: -20~+155℃(in場林cluding self temperature rise)



 Industrial Power:High freque器又ncy transformers for X間身-ray CT, induction heatin作能g apparatus, welding mac就空hine, communication equipment雪能, electrostatic precipit快媽ators and its power supply, etc.


 New Energy:Inductors (choke喝子 coils) for power conditioner of photov雜術oltaic, wind power generator, fuel cell計關.


 EV & 5G:Inductors f銀見or boost/down converter of HEV,紅如 FCV, UPS,etc.

四、磁性能(néng)(Magnetic En著體ergy):

1.不同切割鐵芯的直流疊加特性 DC su司會perposition characteristi現間cs of various cut cores:


2.不同切割鐵芯的損耗特性 Core Loss of va數錢rious cut cores:



Note:These datashows value of 媽電the shape corresponding to 輛畫CNC139110024025.


一(yī)、尺寸圖示(Size Chart)去小:





二、産品選型表(Product selection tabl機湖e):

