大功率高頻主變鐵芯 Transformer Cores

納米晶C型鐵芯與其他磁性金(jīn)屬材料制成的鐵芯相雜來比具有更低(dī)的損耗 Nanocrystalline了技 C-Cores have much lo林站wer core loss than those made of ot在看her magnetic metalli歌女c materials.

聯系人(rén): 孫經理(lǐ) 原産地:北京市(shì)海澱區 Haidian,B你空eijing China



With the high frequency and power d老答evelopment trend of the power s銀嗎upply, the core components of the訊暗 high frequency power吧讀 supply put forward higher design requ飛體irements. The high-power近間 transformer core mus業物t meet the demand of低很 high frequency, low loss場說, small volume, high energy conv化子ersion efficiency, and the co吃間re size should be customized. A相商t present, a large number 山空of materials such as silicon ste錢雨el are used as transformers in the h呢答igh-power high-frequency power suppl看都y market. The proble門雜ms are mainly caused by動工 large loss, high temperature rise,河湖 low temperature conver體行sion efficiency, etc. In知朋 recent years, nanocrystalline ribbon p快知roducts have been itera是可tively updated, and the development tr的我end of ultra-thin rib拍化bons to cope with high務山-frequency development has been vigo熱水rously developed, which can b空笑asically meet the design requirements 術月of high-frequency transformers within房你 100 kHz. Nanocrystalline soft ma訊又gnetic alloy materials have 去少high saturation magnetic inductio對低n, low loss, high power size customiz間土ation design and high te醫靜mperature operation reliability. Nan員森ocrystalline rectangu劇拿lar and C-typed cores are 生的now widely used in industrial fields喝頻 such as traction/auxilia制微ry power supplies for electric vehicles通門, DC converters, and e物湖lectrostatic precipita開中tors.  


—低(dī)損耗 Low Core Loss


Nanocrystalline C-Cores 呢林have much lower core l我機oss than those made of other magneti校兵c metallic materials.

—小體(tǐ)積 Small Volume 


Nanocrystalline C-Cores allow designi山海ng applications with 刀從high operation flux density due t你師o high saturation fluxdensity (Bs=也雨1.25T) and lower loss property,meeti去一ng miniaturization design.

—高耐熱性 High Operation Temperatu草黃re


Nanocrystalline C-Cores地船 can be used in class F insulation gra制市de(155℃).


Operating temperature: -20討煙~+155℃(including self temperatu就熱re rise)



 Industrial Power:High月哥 frequency transformers白黃 for X-ray CT, induction heating appa老看ratus, welding machine, communication 請但equipment, electrost暗光atic precipitators and its p坐事ower supply, etc.


 New Energy:Inductors (c是身hoke coils) for power門舞 conditioner of photovoltaic, wind powe什通r generator, fuel cell.


 EV & 5G:Inductors和司 for boost/down converter of日低 HEV, FCV, UPS,etc.

四、磁性能(néng)(Magnetic Energy):

1.不同切割鐵芯的直流疊加特性 DC superposition金視 characteristics of variou很吧s cut cores:


2.不同切割鐵芯的損耗特性 Core Loss of vario作體us cut cores:



Note:These datashows value 見麗of the shape correspon老間ding to CNC139110024025.


一(yī)、尺寸圖示(Size Chart):放場





二、産品選型表(Product selection table):

