Tungsten-rhenium Alloy

Material DescriptionTungste站書n-rhenium alloy is formed 不笑by adding different 著錯contents of element rhenium into mol自綠ybdenum. Tungsten and rheniu妹鐵m are both refractory met一照als. By combining both in個金gredients, the "rhenium" eff務從ect enables tungsten-rh做習enium a

Contact Person:Origin:Beijing

Material Description

Tungsten-rhenium alloy is formed by add美草ing different contents of 術作element rhenium into mo遠朋lybdenum. Tungsten and rhenium are bot草短h refractory metals. By comb用草ining both ingredients, the "rheni校那um" effect enables tu知朋ngsten-rhenium alloy to得習 have better ductilit票不y, higher recrystalli就書zation temperature, better creep res明哥istance, and higher resistivity. Tu校內ngsten-rhenium has good m秒現echanical properties, and can b科呢e processed and welded.

Areas of Application

Because of its superior hi上山gh-temperature perfor鐘家mance, tungsten-rhenium 數科alloy can be applied in the機高 parts used in high-temperature 黑微areas and temperature measurement app知又lications, mainly including:

Aerospace: Tungsten-rh有女enium alloys are app就錯lied in high-temperature avia黃計tion and aerospace parts 花錢and temperature measurement systems.

Semiconductor industry: D跳地ue to its superior physical prope紙刀rties, tungsten-rhen廠又ium alloy is used in the high道山 temperature equipment如多 parts for the semiconductor i我說ndustry, such as heating equip秒子ment and temperature measurement equ男得ipment, etc.

Industrial furnaces: high temperatu要綠re components and temperature measureme輛著nt device.

Welding industry: Friction Stir Welding湖明 Head

Product Specifications

Different Options for You

Main specifications of tungsten-rheni要著um alloy products manufactured做可 by AT&M include:


Production Process

Leading Process Leads to Leadi姐雪ng-Edge Products

Our company has diversified product lin學錯es for production and processing. We p男服rovide top products to our customers wh數通ile carefully monitoring each prod木北uction process, which ensures 頻爸that we are able to provide 少到the best quality products.

Company Advantages

Leading Technology, High Quality

AT&M is one of the earlie森年st companies in China which is服的 engaged in the research a計務nd development of tungsten-rheni道費um alloy. The company 員河has owned the patent公子 for tungsten-rhenium alloy wir懂為e, and won the third prize of n如林ational scientific progress aw女信ard.

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