Tungsten-Copper Alloy

Material Introduction線商Tungsten-Copper alloy is 喝銀a two-element alloy mai森們nly based on tungsten element能錢 and supplemented by copper elem制鐘ent. It’s a composite metal materia鐘在l. As metal copper and電老 metal tungsten have big differ刀做ence in physical properties, it’s 拍睡imp

Contact Person:Origin:Beijing

Material Introduction

Tungsten-Copper alloy is a two-都坐element alloy mainly based on tungsten一她 element and supplemented by copper ele雜去ment. It’s a composite metal material秒算. As metal copper and metal美跳 tungsten have big difference in ph線市ysical properties, it’s i新謝mpossible to adopt casting proc文兵ess for production. Now the industry ge北區nerally uses powered alloy technolog近學y for production.

Areas of Application

1、High Performance Material for A器行erospace Industry

Tungsten-copper material h中但as high density, transpiration cooling土鄉, high strength at high temp那輛erature and resistance to erosion.上在 Our company has more than 45 years of 匠腦experiences in research, p得鐘romotion and application of吧老 tungsten-copper pro吃雪ducts, and has been awarded the secon雪器d prize of national inve窗友ntion award, and confidential na廠市tional patents.

2、Vacuum contact materials

The tungsten-copper / c女市opper composite contacts produced by o報議ur company have no third alloy elem人務ents, and the tungsten substrat是的e is sintered at the temperature above 機看2000 ℃, the overall processed 匠知at high vacuum. And it 作土has the advantages of 和紙uniform material, low 購校content of gases and impurity, 朋銀high conductivity, good comp花微osite interface, a dens他懂e layer of copper, etc. Over t音日he years, most domestic vacuum load s多就witch tube manufacturers have bee離慢n using our composite con拍亮tacts. Hundreds of thousan老不ds of the production capacity can meet行技 the needs of all the ne在花w and old customers.

Advantages: high ablation resistanc相吃e, high toughness, good不影 electrical conductivit劇科y and thermal conductivity, and good身關 machining performance.

Delivery state: the W-Cu conta近水cts of a good variety o近如f shapes joined with co民房pper, steel and others.

Semi-finished products: various 微懂infiltrations and casti慢媽ng materials with no machining,白西; various unprocessed 線數contacts that are welded從靜 or brazed to copper or steel sup冷請port member and welding or brazing pro見金cess.

Our company also produces a va來請riety of welding or brazi都木ng contacts connections.

tungsten-copper contacts

3、Electrodes for electrical dis分兵charge machining

When machining a hard allo船友y product, with electrical discharge, d科遠ue to the characteri放厭stic of the WC, the copper or gr工相aphite electrode will wear q日嗎uite quickly. For the machining of this放黑 material with electrical discha煙間rge, the W-Cu electrode produ紅問ced by our company is the most sui土會table one.

Product properties: high cor林冷rosion rate, low loss rate, 時司exact shape of the electrode, ex化輛cellent processing performance, 費飛good quality of the WC workpiece多鐘s surface.

Product types: bar, pipe and sheet m下費etal.

Tungsten-copper and molybdenum- copper 了懂electrode

4、Electronic packaging m費線aterials and heat sink material

W-Cu electronic packagin懂下g materials possess both t商廠he low expansion of tungste藍紙n and the high thermal cond短議uctivity of copper. What is particu房熱larly valuable is that 從歌its thermal expansion coeffici讀區ent and thermal conductivity can be 器秒adjusted by the material comp文影osition and then be designed so as t黃國o bring great convenienc林又e of the applications of the materi明話al. We use high-purity raw m能請aterials with good quality, and t器器hen by molding, sintered and infiltra朋少ted at high temperature, the W-Cu街業 electronic packaging m件刀aterials and heat sink mater鐵生ial with excellent performan商區ce are made. It is suitable for ma弟一terial for the package of high-power輛到 device, such as a substr行鐵ate, electrodes and 作說so on; the lead frame of good perf個拍ormance; military and civil讀日ian thermal control device such as ther唱爸mal control board and 歌來the heatsink.

Advantages: it has the thermal ex中店pansion coefficient and the high th微黑ermal conductivity that can用通 matches with different kinds of 藍跳matrix; excellent high temperature s低嗎tability and uniformity and exc外雨ellent processing properties;

Specifications: the maximum size放女 of the surface plating Ni, NiAu or n朋知on-plating Ni W-Cu plate is1不錢00x100mm, thickness 0.5-50mm器離.

Ablation-resistant materials A東得blation-resistant materials packaging區身 materials

Product Specifications

AT & M Refractory Metal Mater相器ials use isostatic mo動站lding process to produce a variety of l慢女arge, shaped products, comp花制ression molding, extru廠煙sion molding and injecti厭熱on molding. It can produce a varie飛關ty of sheets, rods, tubes and small pr見都oducts with different 秒還shapes; and by using rolling process, a爸間 variety of plates and 到站multi-composite plates can 吧科be produced. We can 高老provide domestic and international cust拍錢omers with a variety of different compo雜湖nents of the tungsten-copper a廠冷lloy. And the technology of us has見畫 reached the interna靜相tional advanced level. The mai和慢n specifications of them are:

Production Process

Leading process leads to l司坐eading products

Different applications require diff相房erent properties of the material. AT &a購兵mp; M Refractory Metal Materia校市ls adopts different processing metho光時ds to meet performance req車樂uirements.

Company Advantages

AT & M Refractory Metal Mat行鐵erials is the inventor of 兵煙tungsten copper infiltrat電對ion material at home. It雜器 has been developing and producing s問匠ince the 1960s. It has devel得校oped multiple brands of supporting ma到離terials of W-Cu, Mo-Cu,科訊 W-Mo-Cu these three material視謝 systems. And all of them are used fo短謝r military supporting. Our company 唱農has the history of research個也 and application of tungsten coppe下費r infiltration produc理雨ts for 45 years, and has won the Natio湖農nal Invention Prize, the National S門理cience Conference Awar村女d; the Third Prize of Ministry of 花物Metallurgical Scienc什輛e and Technology Progr動科ess Award. For fifty years, it has been什資 producing the supporting contin拍醫uously, and achieved rich R & D and農能 production experience. The qu很件ality of the products and t房水he technology of it stay ahea我刀d, and it has established a perfec畫兒t system of production, testing 公從and quality assurance. The most ty這物pes of tungsten (molybde生日num) infiltrated copper materia樂生ls are exclusively supp雜校orting produced.

Relevant Products

AT & M Refractory Met睡個al Materials are very雨了 willing to provide you歌市 with any professional service, inclu大妹ding product design, p匠請roduction and assembly哥事, as well as maintenance and re有錯pair, and know more alloy p但海roducts of AT & M長船 Refractory Metal Mate跳些rials: molybdenum-copper alloy, tu議人ngsten alloy, molybdenum alloy.